Posts by Ric Sun

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How Christian Hope Speaks to COVID-19


Biblical hope differs from worldly hope in its source, its promises and its implications for our lives, especially during the coronavirus pandemic....

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Meet Our New Engage and College Minister


You probably already know Ric Sun as our College/Young Adult Intern, so we're very excited for his new role as our Engage and College Minister. Here are his prayers and aspirations....

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Bridge: Home Away From Home


AABC's college ministry, Bridge, not merely a ministry or an event or even a service to provide free food; rather, Bridge is a place we hope students can call home. It exists to glorify God by equipping the next generation of men and women to become everything that God has created, called and gifted them to be....

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The Spirit of Lent


What did you give up for Lent this year? Do you know the meaning behind Lent or how to observe Lent in a biblical way? If you are curious to find out, please read on!...

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