Meet Our New Intern: Ric Sun

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Please welcome our College/Young Adult Intern, Ric Sun, who will be joining AABC Sunday, June 25.

Hi, Ric! Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Taiwan. I came to the States when I was 25, which was the same year God encountered me with His divine provision. I had lived 25 years without knowing Christ, pursuing nothing but money and vanity. I thought I was born to be the center of the entire universe, to take everything I have and everyone I know (including my parents) for granted. I strove for worldly success only to feed my ego and fulfill my greed. The result of embracing this vanity and orgy was a person filled with loneliness and emptiness. In July 2007, God’s ferocious love took hold of my heart through a local mission trip in Taiwan where I was "captured" by God’s immense love, which radically and eternally transformed me from an enemy of God to a child of God, from a seeker of truth to a minister of the Gospel. I still can't fathom that the Creator of everything, even the universe, would care enough to sacrifice His one and only Son for such a unworthy and sinful man like me. Ever since, my life makes no sense outside the grace of God, and I am now committed to sharing the Gospel with whomever I encounter, wherever I go, until my last breath.

I've always said that I need three days to share my testimony, so come chat!


God has given me such an excessive zeal and love of evangelism and discipleship. I have found doing missions is a channel where my heart can fully respond to the love of God. I am obsessed with a great joy to bless others by inviting them into the unexpected joy of desperate dependence on Jesus. My greatest passion and burning heart is to see God raise up a new generation (from youth above) in the army of God to mobilize and magnify their gifts and talents, to be seized by a deep affection with a lifetime dedication to know God, to be known by God and to make Him known.

How did you get started in ministry?

Luke 12:45 says, "Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more." In 2010–2012, my wife and I served as local missionaries through the Apartment Life organization in Houston, and there God cultivated such a zealous passion and deep affection in us to point people to Jesus. Later I  responded to the call of God to serve at youth ministry at West Houston Chinese Church (WHCC) from 2011–2016.

Where did you go to school?

I graduated from Houston Baptist University with a master's in counseling education and am currently working on two master's—one in Christian Education and one in Cross-Cultural Ministry—at Dallas Theological Seminary. 

Can you tell us about your family?

I have been married to my college sweetheart, Jocelyn, for seven years. I'm still dating and pursuing her and helplessly in love with her. I consider this to be the best decision I have ever made, next to trusting in Jesus. Together, we have three amazing and God-given children: Kyra (5), Liora (2) and Zion (25 days).

There are three things our family loves:

  1. We are passionate—maybe fanatical!—about boba tea. If we go out to eat, there's a 95% chance we will end up hanging out at a boba tea place and talking to others about Jesus.
  2. We are very into martial arts and practice Tae Kwon Do. If you wanna fight us, we will destroy you (but in a loving way).
  3. Lastly, we love doing missions, locally and globally, to take people's need of hearing the Gospel and put it before our own interests and comfort. So far, we have led trips to Taiwan multiple times and have been to the UK with our home church in Houston last Christmas.

Worship with us at

9:30am Sunday