

Going Deeper

The book of Jonah may be considered a children’s Bible story, but it is full of grown up lessons for all us. Jonah had a clear mission from God to preach to people who didn’t look like him, who didn’t like him, and who he felt didn’t deserve God’s love. (Ever felt like Jonah towards the people around you?) Through our study in this short book of the Bible, we’ll see God’s call to impact the world for Jesus Christ has not changed in Jonah’s time… and it won’t change for our time either. Let’s all “go deeper” in the mission of making disciples of all people.

February 4, 2018

Going Deeper by Proclaiming God to Everyone

Series: Going Deeper Passage: Jonah 3:1–10

January 28, 2018

Going Deeper by Praying with Clarity

Series: Going Deeper Passage: Jonah 1:17– 2:10

January 21, 2018

Going Deeper by Obeying His Call

Series: Going Deeper Passage: Jonah 1:1–16


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9:30am Sunday