
Your tithes and gifts are vital to the every-day ministry that takes place in and through AABC! We ask that you would prayerfully consider how God is leading you to give.

There are 5 ways you can give:

  1. Give online via Church Center Mobile App for offerings to regular funds only and for recurring giving. (Notes: Cannot be used for donations to specially designated offerings; use Zelle or a check instead.  Donations cannot be divided up into different funds; submit separate donations for giving to multiple funds.) Click Here for instructions how to give on the Church Center App.
  2. Give online via Church Center Mobile Web App for offerings to regular funds only and for recurring giving: (Notes: Cannot be used for donations to specially designated offerings; use Zelle or a check instead.  Donations may be divided up into different funds in a single transaction.)
  3. Give online via Zelle to the recipient and include in the message line which AABC fund (General, Missions, Benevolence) you want your tithe applied.
  4. Electronic Bill Pay (e-checking) through your bank.
  5. Mail checks to the church (we have a locked mailbox on campus). AABC 801 West Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080

Worship with us at

9:30am Sunday