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“I’m WFH… I’m working from home. But is God even at work?”

God is always working

A lot of us are working and schooling from home. We have a lot of things to do. We have projects to complete, books to read, spreadsheets to fill, online quizzes and test to take, and it’s evident we’re working.

“I’m WFH… I’m working from home. But is God even at work?”

Over the past few days, as the AABC youth pastor, I got to work a lot, work differently, and work in new ways. I got to joyfully serve, communicate (via A LOT of emails and texts), set up online polls, have a video meeting with youth counselors, lead a video meeting with student leaders, sit in on a phone meeting with church council, dream of and pray about what the “New TUFF Online” experience will look like moving forward… and it’s a lot. And I’m sure, you’re in the same boat too. You have a lot to do, and you’re working a lot.

And sometimes, we can even have a thought in our heart, “I’m WFH… I’m working from home. But is God even at work?” Suddenly, did God say… “Alright, I’m going to take a break… I’m going to check out and come back in a few…"? And cue COVID-19, extended Spring Break, toilet paper shortage, school closures, sports cancellations, 1,000 emails, download ZOOM video conference app, etc. I understand we might feel like God isn't working, and I’m sure some people in the Bible felt like this too…

Even when it feels like God isn’t working, He is at work.

To name a few… but the list can really go on and on and on…

  1. I’m sure Noah felt like this way… building the ark, getting mocked, and waiting for the flood. (Genesis 6)
  2. I’m sure Abram and Sarai felt like this way... waiting for their first born. (Genesis 12)
  3. I’m sure the Israelites and Moses felt this way… waiting for freedom. (Exodus 1)
  4. I’m sure David felt this way… waiting to be king & running and hiding from Saul. (Psalm 86)
  5. I’m sure the Old Testament people felt this way… waiting for Jesus. (Isaiah 7)

John 5:17 reminds us, “But Jesus replied, ‘My Father is always working, and so am I.’"

But God was working. God sent the flood, fulfilled his promise to Abram and Sarai, freed the Israelites from bondage, made David king, and sent Jesus Christ to us. YAYAYAYAY. So, in order to fight the thought of “God isn’t working,” it’s important for us to be honest and to look in the Bible and to remember: Even when it feels like God isn’t working, He is at work. John 5:17 reminds us, “But Jesus replied, ‘My Father is always working, and so am I.’” Lean into this Biblical truth. God is at work.  God is working.  And how is God working?

To name a few… but the list can go on (x infinity).

  1. God is saving people. (John 3:16)
  2. God is comforting people… giving them a peace that surpasses all understanding. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
  3. God is sanctifying His people. (Philippians 1:6)
  4. God is moving in the hearts of His people to make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:16-20)
  5. God is convicting His people to impact and to engage the world for His glory. (Acts 1:8)
  6. God is coming back and restoring all things. (Revelations 21-22)

Lean into these Biblical truths.  Anchor yourself in Him and in His work.


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9:30am Sunday